Monday, September 12, 2011

Teaching for Leaders: or 'Why Should I Care?'

An effective leader must have effective teaching techniques to accomplish their job.  An individual may have great ideas and the passion to work with others to put a plan into action.  But, if that individual is unable to effectively teach the people she works with she is not a leader.  She may be an enthusiastic participant, or an active team member, but not a leaders.  Leaders, to be leaders, must help others become better at what they are doing, and that requires teaching.

Teaching for Leaders is a site focused on helping leaders develop effective teaching techniques.  Our main premise is that every leader, whether they know it or not, is a teacher.  Every leader must convey difficult topics their team is unfamiliar with.  Every leader must communicate with a goal of reaching understanding.  Every leader is working towards a goal that will only be successful if their people are standing with them at the end.

The good news is teaching is simpler than leading.  Being a leader is a mindset, it is a way of viewing the environment that governs how you act.  But teaching-well that's just a skill set; there are many different ways and practices you can embrace to increase your skill at teaching.  And as you improve your teaching skills, you become a better teacher, and as you become a better teacher you become a better leader.

This site is for leaders wherever they may find themselves.  For the part-time employees just beginning to emerge as leaders and the managers with extensive experience.  For athletes looking to better lead on the field and and for chairpersons looking to have more effective committees. For the volunteer looking to motivate and the activist seeking community involvement.

For anyone who wants to be involved beyond taking direction, this site is aimed at you.

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